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Search results for alpha,1978 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1978
Translated headword: steep
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning something] leading-upwards.[1]
Anantes ["steep"] and prosantes ["uphill"][2] are the same thing. And if something [is] steep, this thing [is] also uphill, not yet turning back again. For what is uphill [is] precipitous and not yielding, not receptive of one who wants to go up. The opposite of steep and uphill [is] katantes ["downhill"]. And we call sweet and joyful things easy and simple, but painful things [we call] steep and arduous and forbidding.[3]
Also [sc. attested is the masculine] a)na/nths, [meaning] the road difficult to walk. And it declines into -ous [in the genitive].
Greek Original:*)/anantes: a)nwfere/s. o(/ti tau)to/n e)stin a)/nantes kai\ pro/santes. kai\ ei)/ ti me\n a)/nantes, tou=to kai\ pro/santes, ou)ke/ti de\ to\ a)na/palin. to\ ga\r pro/santes a)po/tomon kai\ mh\ parei=kon, mhde\ a)podexo/menon to\n a)nabh=nai boulo/menon. tw=| de\ a)na/ntei kai\ prosa/ntei e)nanti/on to\ ka/tantes. kai\ ta\ me\n h(de/a kai\ terpna\ le/gomen r(a=|sta kai\ r(a/|w, ta\ de\ luphra\ prosa/nth kai\ a)na/nth kai\ dusxerh=. kai\ *)ana/nths, h( du/sbatos o(do/s. kai\ kli/netai ei)s ous.
The headword, neuter singular of this adjective, must be quoted from somewhere; there are numerous possibilities.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica; and cf.
alpha 1976.
pi 2599.
[3] Likewise, according to Adler, in the
scholia to Gregory of Nazianzus.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 May 2001@10:11:06.
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