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Search results for alpha,196 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,196
Translated headword: angel
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The angels are circumscribed only by the comprehension of the intellect; not in space, nor in body, nor in time; for they came into existence before the sun.[1] Scripture calls the servants of retribution "evil angels," just as it calls the day of retribution an "evil day";[2] and it calls the bitter retributions "wrath and anger and affliction" in the hands of God.[3] For it does not say that it is [their] nature or preference.
Greek Original:*)/aggelos: oi( a)/ggeloi mo/noi th=| tou= noo\s katalh/yei ei)si\ perigraptoi\, ou)/te de\ e)n to/pw|, ou)de\ e)n sw/mati, ou)de\ e)n xro/nw|: pro\ ga\r tou= h(li/ou h( ge/nesis au)tw=n. a)gge/lous ponhrou\s tou\s th=s timwri/as u(pourgou\s h( grafh\ kalei=: w(/sper h(me/ran ponhra\n th\n th=s timwri/as. o)rgh\n de\ kai\ qumo\n kai\ qli/yin e)pi\ *qeou= ta\s pikra\s timwri/as kalei=. ou) ga\r fu/sin ou)de\ proai/resi/n fhsin.
Theodoret (PG 80.1496b) on
Psalm 79.49
LXX (not Adler's 77.49).
[1] Perhaps referring to
Psalm 109.3
LXX "before the morning star have I begotten thee."
[2] cf.
eta 299.
[3] cf.
theta 391,
theta 575.
Keywords: Christianity; chronology; definition; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 16 October 2000@15:04:42.
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