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Search results for alpha,1956 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)/anamma
Adler number: alpha,1956
Translated headword: fireball, ignited mass
Vetting Status: high
"The fiery bodies and the other stars are nourished: the sun, which is a sluggish[1] ignited mass, from the great sea; the moon from fresh waters, becoming compounded with air and being near the earth."
Greek Original:
*)/anamma: tre/fesqai de\ ta\ e)/mpura kai\ ta\ a)/lla a)/stra, to\n me\n h(/lion e)k mega/lhs qala/tths, nwqro\n o)/nta a)/namma: th\n de\ selh/nhn e)k poti/mwn u(da/twn, a)eromigh= tugxa/nousan kai\ pro/sgeion ou)=san.
Part of the long quotation from Diogenes Laertius (7.143-146), on Stoic cosmology, which is pi 149.
[1] So the transmitted text, nwqro/n, both here and at pi 149; but the true reading, in D.L., is noero/n, "intelligent".
Keywords: philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 May 2001@10:01:31.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes; cosmetics) on 13 May 2001@12:15:32.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 23 April 2008@14:51:45.
David Whitehead on 24 February 2012@07:39:41.


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