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Search results for alpha,1930 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1930
Translated headword: to gather up
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with an accusative.[1] In reference to lifting up.
Philosophers[2] used to take care also to gather up their clothing in an orderly fashion, and they mocked those who did not do this.
Plato in
Theaetetus [writes]: "those who are able to perform all services sharply and smartly, but who do not know how to gather up [sc. their clothing] in a gentlemanly left-to-right manner, or to take up a harmony of words to praise the gods."[3] But concerning clothing
Alexis speaks as follows: "for this one thing I consider to be among those unbecoming to gentlemen: to walk without rhythm in the streets, when it is possible [to walk] nobly. No tax is levied for this -- on us, I mean -- and we do not have to bestow an honour to receive it from others; rather, it brings a certain quota of repute to those who use it, and pleasure to those who see it, and order to life. Who with any claim to sense would not [wish to] win it for himself?."[4]
[Also attested is]
a)nalamba/nein, meaning to refresh/restore. Appian [writes]: "then someone went at a run to show [this] to the Persian as he was bathing himself and refreshing his body. He sprang out of the water, shouting that he might be taken before the battle."[5]
Greek Original:*)analamba/nein: ai)tiatikh=|. e)pi\ tou= a)ne/xein. o(/ti e)/melle toi=s filoso/fois kai\ tou= kosmi/ws a)nalamba/nein th\n e)sqh=ta kai\ tou\s mh\ tou=to poiou=ntas e)/skwpton. *pla/twn e)n *qeaith/tw|: pa/nta duname/nous o)ce/ws te kai\ torw=s diakonei=n, a)nalabe/sqai d' ou)k e)pistame/nous e)pidecieleuqe/rws ou)de\ a(rmoni/an lo/gwn labo/ntas u(panth=sai qew=n. *)/alecis de/ fhsi peri\ e)sqh=tos ou(/tws: e(\n ga\r nomi/zw tou=to tw=n a)neleuqe/rwn ei)=nai, to\ badi/zein a)rru/qmws e)n tai=s o(doi=s, e)co\n kalw=s: ou(= mh/te pra/ttetai te/los, mhde\n ga\r h(ma=s, mh/te di' e(te/rwn labei=n timh\n do/ntas, fe/rei de\ toi=s me\n xrwme/nois do/chs tin' o)/gkon, toi=s d' o(rw=sin h(donh/n, ko/smon de\ tw=| bi/w|. to\ toiou=ton ge/ras ti/s ou)k a)\n au)to\ ktw=|to fa/skwn nou=n e)/xein. *)analamba/nein, a)nti\ tou= a)nakta=sqai. *)appiano/s: to/te de\ e)/qei tis dro/mw| dhlw/swn tw=| *pe/rsh| louome/nw| kai\ to\ sw=ma a)nalamba/nonti. o( de\ e)ch/lato tou= u(/datos, bow=n o(/ti e(alw/koi pro\ th=s ma/xhs.
[1] Likewise in syntactical lexica.
[2] Here begins material taken from
Deipnosophists 1.21B-D (1.38 Kaibel); it includes the quotations from
Plato and
Alexis. The opening verb is the impersonal
e)/mele, not (as here)
[3] An approximation of
Theaetetus 175E (web address 1 below), again at
epsilon 2288; in both contexts
e)pidecieleuqe/rws is a false reading.
Alexis fr. 263 Kock, now 265 K.-A.
[5] Appian,
Macedonica 15.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 May 2001@11:25:58.
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