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Search results for alpha,1875 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1875
Translated headword: to dedicate
Vetting Status: high
Translation: And [doubly compound]
e)panaqei=nai [means] the same thing.
Araros in
Bridal Song [writes]: "and so that if the moment is pending for the bride to agree to dedicate [herself] to the yoke."[1]
The [word]
a)rarw=s [is] an adverb meaning fittingly, whereas [the aorist participle]
a)rarw/s [means] he having fitted.[2]
Greek Original:*)anaqei=nai: kai\ e)panaqei=nai to\ au)to/. *)ararw\s *(umenai/w|: o(/pws te th\n nu/mfhn e)a\n kairo\s h)=| mete/wron e)pi\ to\ zeu=gos a)naqh/sei sumfe/rein. o(/ti to\ a)rarw=s e)pi/rrhma a)nti\ tou= prepo/ntws, a)rarw\s de\ a(rmo/sas.
Araros [
alpha 3737] fr. 17 Kock (and K.-A.); cf., more briefly,
Lexicon alpha1475.
[2] This addendum is prompted simply by the occurrence of the proper name
Araros (above).
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; poetry; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 8 May 2001@11:40:42.
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