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Search results for alpha,1835 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1835
Translated headword: launch, launching
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the sailing-out of the ships.
"And a launching of the ships took place not in keeping with the size of such an embarking army or magnficence of the armaments or the other preparations that exceeded necessity for beauty."[1]
And elsewhere: "having surveyed the situation in Egypt, they made their launch for
Cyprus and thence to
Greek Original:*)anagwgh/: o( tw=n nhw=n e)/kplous. kai\ gi/netai a)nagwgh\ tw=n nhw=n ou) kata\ to\ plh=qos ou(/tw th=s e)pibainou/shs au)tw=| stratia=s h)\ kata\ tw=n o(/plwn lampro/thta h)\ th\n a)/llhn u(pe\r to\ a)nagkai=on e)s ka/llos paraskeuh/n. kai\ au)=qis: oi( de\ kataskeya/menoi ta\ kata\ th\n *ai)/gupton e)pi\ *ku/prou ka)kei=qen e)pi\ *suri/as th\n a)nagwgh\n e)poih/santo.
[1] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 68 Roos-Wirth.
Diodorus Siculus 33.28b.3, on the celebrated Roman embassy (Scipio
Aemilianus et al.) to the Eastern Mediterranean in c. 139 BCE.
Keywords: biography; definition; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 29 March 2001@14:28:07.
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