It is a city of Locris. Amphisa was [so] named because it is a place surrounded on all sides[1] by hills.
*)/amfisa: po/lis e)sti\ th=s *lokri/dos. *)/amfisa de\ w)noma/sqh dia\ to\ perie/xesqai to\n to/pon o)/resin.
Abridged from Harpokration s.v. (which has the more authentic and common spelling
Amphissa). That entry was generated by the appearance of the toponym in
Demosthenes 18.143 etc., and also cites, for the naming, the Aristotelian
Constitution of the Op(o)untians.
Barrington Atlas map 55 grid C3; present-day Salona.
[1] Thus the Greek preposition "amphi".
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