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Search results for alpha,176 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,176
Translated headword: wastrel
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A dandy; but some [say] a good-for-nothing; [used] by Ionians [to mean] a pauper, but by Attic writers [to mean] a fop.
Greek Original:*)/agauros: o( komyo/s: oi( de\ kako/s: u(po\ *)iw/nwn de\ a)/poros, u(po\ de\ *)attikw=n trufero/s.
Similar entries in
Hesychius and, especially,
Etymologicum Magnum 6.30-34 -- though there the headword is oxytone
a)gauro/s. LSJ too (web address 1 below) gives it thus, and understands it as
gau=ros [
gamma 77,
gamma 78] 'with
a euphon.,
stately, proud'; used of a bull in Hesiod,
Theogony 832. However, sense 2 there is '
Ion., euphem. for a beggar'.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; poetry; zoology
Translated by: Gregory Hays on 4 June 1999@14:57:53.
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