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Headword: *)amfiorki/a
Adler number: alpha,1750
Translated headword: amphiorkia, double-oath, reciprocal oath
Vetting Status: high
[sc. This is the term for what happens] when both the plaintiff and the defendant swear, [in the course of] bringing a charge of theft against certain people. But this often was seen to be in vain. So [the] Athenians laid down a law against those hauling off certain people into prison in a case of theft, [ordering] the convicted to pay [a fine of] a thousand drachmas. But in addition [it ordered that] those denouncing citizen property as belonging to the state,[1] if they were convicted of "sykophancy",[2] these too would be fined the thousand [drachmas].
Greek Original:
*)amfiorki/a: e)peida\n o(/ te diw/kwn kai\ o( feu/gwn o)mnu/wsi, kloph=s e)/gklhma/ tisin e)pife/rontes. tou=to de\ polla/kis w)/fqh ma/thn gino/menon. e)/qento ou)=n *)aqhnai=oi no/mon kata\ tw=n a)pago/ntwn ei)s desmwth/rio/n tinas e)pi\ di/kh| kloph=s, xili/as dido/nai draxma\s tou\s a(lo/ntas. a)lla\ kai\ tou\s ou)si/an a)pogra/yantas tw=n politw=n tinas, w(s tw=| dh/mw| proshkou/san, ei) sukofantou=ntes a(loi=en, kai\ ou(=toi xili/ais e)zhmiou=nto.
Same entry in Photius.
Plausible though some or all of this might sound, as a feature of classical Athenian judicial procedure, it is not attested outside lexicography; cf. e.g. Hesychius s.v. ("amphiorkia: when litigants exchange oaths"), Pollux 8.123 (jurors).
[1] For apographe see alpha 3272, alpha 3273.
[2] Malicious or blackmailing prosecution. See generally sigma 1330.
Keywords: definition; economics; law; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 14 August 2000@20:40:02.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes) on 3 March 2001@09:38:49.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 12 October 2006@06:55:24.
David Whitehead (another note) on 21 February 2012@05:52:35.
David Whitehead on 25 June 2015@02:55:55.


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