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Adler number: alpha,1736
Translated headword: Amphiktyons, Amphictyons
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The Amphictyon is a Greek council, convened in
Thermopylai. [The] Amphiktyons took their name from from Amphiktyon the son of Deukalion. For it was he, as king, who convened the peoples. They were twelve: Ionians, Dorians, Perrhaiboi, Boiotians, Magnesians, Achaians, Phthiotians, Molians,[1] Dolopes, Aenianians, Delphians, Phocians. But some say it is thus called from being neighbors to and convening in
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] 'Amphiktyonic territory'; but 'Amphitryonic [sic] battle'.[2]
[The noun] Amphiktyon preserves [omega in the genitive, i.e.]
*)amfiktu/wnos. But Amphiktyon shortens [its o to]
Greek Original:*)amfiktuo/nes: sune/drio/n e)stin o( *)amfiktuw\n *(ellhniko\n, sunago/menon e)n *qermopu/lais. w)noma/sqhsan de\ *)amfiktuo/nes a)po\ *)amfiktuo/nos tou= *deukali/wnos. au)to\s ga\r sunh/gage ta\ e)/qnh basileu/wn. tau=ta d' h)=n ib#: *)/iwnes, *dwriei=s, *perraiboi\, *boiwtoi\, *ma/gnhtes, *)axaioi\, *fqiw=tai, *moliei=s, *do/lopes, *ai)nia=nes, *delfoi\, *fwkei=s. oi( de\ fasi\n w)noma/sqai a)po\ tou= perioi/kous ei)=nai tw=n *delfw=n tou\s sunaxqe/ntas. kai\ *)amfiktuw/neios xw/ra: *)amfitruw/neios de\ ma/xh. *)amfiktu/wn de\ *)amfiktu/wnos fula/ttei. *)amfiktu/wn de\ *)amfiktu/onos suste/llei.
The first and principal part of this entry is abridged from Harpokration (cf.
Photius) s.v., where
Theopompus (FGrH 115 F63) and
Anaximenes (FGrH 72 F2) are cited.
[1] Thus as transmitted, Molieis; but it is an error for Harpok.'s 'Melieis', i.e. the Malians.
[2] Both of these phrases are attested only here,
[3] These two concluding sentences do not make sense as they stand; some distinction between Amphiktyon and another word (Amphitryon again?) must be intended.
OCD(4) p.73
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; mythology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 11 August 2000@23:13:52.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified headword and translation; added note, bibliography, keywords) on 2 October 2000@07:50:26.
David Whitehead (added note; cosmetics) on 18 July 2002@12:08:42.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 27 June 2011@05:48:01.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 July 2014@05:36:53.
Catharine Roth (tweaked betacode) on 24 June 2015@09:50:31.
David Whitehead (added a note, at the prompting of Dr Nick Nicholas) on 19 December 2015@11:49:03.
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