[Meaning something] sharpened on both sides.[1]
From the nominative
a)mfh/khs. "Such a son is being raised for me, shining with a double-edged tongue." [So says]
Aristophanes in
*)/amfhkes: a)mfote/rwqen h)konhme/non. a)po\ th=s a)mfh/khs eu)qei/as. oi(=os e)moi\ tre/fetai pai=s a)mfh/kei glw/tth| la/mpwn. *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais.
[1] From the
scholia to
Iliad 10.256, where the neuter singular headword occurs (of a sword); also in other lexica.
Clouds 1158-1160 (abridged), with scholion. See web address 1.
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