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Headword: *)amusti\ piei=n
Adler number: alpha,1687
Translated headword: to drink in one gulp
Vetting Status: high
['In one gulp' is] an adverb. It is said in reference to those who drink without breathing and without resting, that is without even closing the mouth.[1] Related to this is also the [verb] to gulp down.[2] Also used is a)musti/zein and the [words formed] out of it. And Pherekrates said 'in one gulp'.[3]
"Com[m]odus the Roman emperor used to drink when he grew tired in a contest, taking chilled sweet wine in a club-shaped cup from a woman [and downing it] with one gulp, at which all immediately shouted what is customarily said at drinking parties, 'may you live!'."[4]
The grammar teachers say that 'may you live' is tantamount to 'may you bring your life to an end.'[5] A person who says this is therefore in danger of pronouncing a curse rather than a prayer.
And Aristophanes [writes]: "I guzzled it down in one gulp". That is I drank all at once and frequently. [The term comes] either from drinking down without breathing [a)pneusti/] or from not closing the mouth [mh\ mu/ein]. It is also a type of drinking-vessel shaped like a phiale.[6]
For a)/mustis is a drink [downed] without a breath.[7]
Greek Original:
*)amusti\ piei=n: e)pi/rrhma. le/getai de\ e)pi\ tw=n a)pneusti\ kai\ a)/neu tou= a)napau/esqai pino/ntwn, oi(onei\ mhde\ musa/ntwn. tou= au)tou= e)/xetai kai\ to\ e)camusti/sai. le/getai de\ kai\ a)musti/zein kai\ ta\ e)c au)tou=. kai\ a)musti\ *ferekra/ths ei)=pen. o(/ti *ko/modos o( basileu\s *(rwmai/wn e)/pien e)n th=| a)gwni/a| kamw\n, ku/liki r(opalwth=| para\ gunaiko\s gluku\n oi)=non e)yugme/non labw\n a)musti/: e)f' w(=| paraxrh=ma pa/ntes tou=to dh\ to\ e)n toi=s sumposi/ois ei)wqo\s le/gesqai e)cebo/hsan zh/seias. to\ *zh/seias e)pi\ tou= teleiw/seias th\n zwh/n fasin oi( grammatikoi/. kinduneu/ei ou)=n o( tou=to le/gwn a)nti\ tou= eu)/xesqai, katara=sqai. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: a)/mustin e)ce/laya. oi(=on o(mou= kai\ a)qro/ws e)/pion. h)\ para\ to\ a)pneusti\ e)kpiei=n h)\ para\ to\ mh\ mu/ein. e)/sti de\ kai\ ei)=dos pothri/ou fialw/dous. *)/amustis ga\r h( a)pneusti\ po/sis.
The first paragraph of this entry in also in Photius (Lexicon alpha1278); see also Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 11.783D-E (11.25 Kaibel).
[1] i.e. deriving a)musti/ from the verb mu/w, 'close one's mouth' with alpha privative.
[2] See epsilon 1537.
[3] Pherekrates fr. 202 Kock, now 217 K.-A.
[4] Cassius Dio 72.18.2; again at kappa 2666, and cf. also zeta 88.
[5] Because zh/seias is an optative verb of aorist aspect and hence, strictly speaking (as grammar teachers are wont to do), describes an action that comes to an end rather than an ongoing action.
[6] Aristophanes, Acharnians 1229, with scholion.
[7] Similarly in Photius and Hesychius. (See LSJ s.v. for the twin senses, drink and cup, differentiated here.)
Keywords: athletics; biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; historiography; history; religion; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 25 April 2001@22:33:48.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added notes; cosmetics) on 26 April 2001@06:08:12.
David Whitehead (added keywords) on 18 July 2002@08:29:48.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 17 February 2012@05:08:41.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 26 December 2014@04:42:47.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 13 January 2015@23:49:00.
David Whitehead (coding) on 20 June 2015@10:22:27.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 22 April 2017@23:45:48.


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