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Search results for alpha,1685 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1685
Translated headword: to mangle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to agitate, to lacerate, to scrape, to tear at.[1]
"Now mangling his cheeks with his talons, now pecking his eyes with his beak."[2] "When he came out of his own division, a raven sat on the man's right arm, facing the Celt who was his opponent, and pecking his face with his talons and covering his eyes with his wings; this handed the war to Valerius without a fight, and he was granted both the victory and the nickname at the same time. For thenceforth he was called "Korbios"."[3]
It is also said "Korbinos" [Corvinus].[4]
Greek Original:*)amu/ssein: tara/ssein, e(lkou=n, ce/ein, spara/ssein. pote\ me\n toi=s o)/nucin a)mu/ttwn ta\s pareia/s, o(te\ de\ tw=| r(u/gxei tou\s o)fqalmou\s e)/kopten. e)pei\ de\ proh=lqe tou= oi)kei/ou ta/gmatos, ko/rac e)fiza/nei tw=| deciw=| tou= a)ndro\s braxi/oni, a)ntipro/swpos tw=| *keltw=| kata\ to\n a)gw=na fero/menos kai\ toi=s te o)/nucin a)mu/ttwn to\ pro/swpon kai\ tai=s pte/rucin e)pikalu/ptwn tou\s o)fqalmou\s, a)fu/lakton tw=| *baleri/w| to\n po/lemon parade/dwke, o(mou= th/n te ni/khn kai\ th\n e)pwnumi/an xarisa/menos. *ko/rbios ga\r e)nteu=qen e)klh/qh. le/getai kai\ *korbi=nos.
[1] (cf.
alpha 1683,
eta 365.) This glossing is paralleled in other lexica, and also in glosses on
Herodotus 3.76.3 (which has the participle
a)mu/ssonta). See web address 1.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus,
Roman Antiquities 15.1.2.
[3] John of
Antioch fr. 49 FHG (4.557), now 95 Roberto; cf.
kappa 1307.
[4] On this aetiology of how M. Valerius acquired the cognomen "Raven" (Corvus, Corvinus) in c.349 BCE, see in brief OCD(4) p.1534, and
kappa 2070.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: aetiology; biography; definition; historiography; history; military affairs; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 18 October 2000@21:33:36.
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