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Search results for alpha,1671 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)amu/klai
Adler number: alpha,1671
Translated headword: shoes
Vetting Status: high
A sort of ornament, which Empedocles had on his feet. For he had a golden wreath on his head and bronze amyklai[1] on his feet and Delphic fillets in his hands; and thus he went from city to city, wanting to hold his own reputation like that of a god. By night he cast himself into the craters of the fiery Etna,[2] but his sandal was thrown back up. He was called Kolusanemas ["wind-restrainer"], because he banished the many winds which were set against Akragas by placing hides of asses around the city.
Greek Original:
*)amu/klai: ko/smio/n ti, o(/per e)n posi\n ei)=xen *)empedoklh=s. ei)=xe ga\r xrusou=n ste/mma e)pi\ th=s kefalh=s kai\ a)mu/klas e)n toi=s posi\ xalka=s kai\ ste/mmata *delfika\ e)n tai=s xersi/n: kai\ ou(/tws e)ph/|ei ta\s po/leis, do/can peri\ au(tou= katasxei=n w(s peri\ qeou= boulo/menos. o(\s e)/rriyen e(auto\n nu/ktwr ei)s tou\s krath=ras tou= *ai)tnai/ou puro/s, w(s mh\ fanh=nai au)tou= to\ sw=ma: tou= sandali/ou au)tou= e)kbrasqe/ntos. e)kalei=to de\ *kwlusane/mas, dia\ to\ pollou\s a)ne/mous e)piqeme/nous th=| *)akra/ganti, e)cela/sai au)to\n dora\s o)/nwn periqe/nta th=| po/lei.
A cut-down version of epsilon 1002 ("Empedocles").
[1] For the Spartan village of this name, see alpha 1672.
[2] cf. generally alphaiota 374, alphaiota 375, alphaiota 376.
Keywords: biography; clothing; definition; geography; philosophy; religion; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 24 March 2001@17:23:31.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; added keyword; cosmetics) on 25 March 2001@05:29:20.
David Whitehead (added keyword; restorative cosmetics) on 18 July 2002@07:21:43.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 16 March 2010@04:34:44.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 16 February 2012@08:23:40.
David Whitehead on 19 June 2015@11:00:35.


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