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Search results for alpha,1660 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1660
Translated headword: reciprocal payment
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] requital; or similar things by succession.[1]
"Oaths were given on their reciprocal trust, not only to them, but also to some of those attending them from the kingdoms on account of the Romans' exchange of the men."
Priscus says [this].[2]
Greek Original:*)amoibai/a e)/ktisis: a)ntapo/dosis: h)\ e)k diadoxh=s o(moi/a. o(/rkoi de\ e)pi\ th=| a)moibai/a| sfw=n e)di/donto pi/stei, ou) mo/non au)toi=s, a)lla\ kai\ toi=s tw=n paraginome/nwn e)k tw=n basilei/wn th=s *(rwmai/wn th=s diallagh=s e(/neka tw=n a)ndrw=n. *pri/skos fhsi/n.
Keywords: definition; economics; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 23 March 2001@17:30:46.
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