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Headword: *)amou=s
Adler number: alpha,1632
Translated headword: Amous, Amoun
Vetting Status: high
An Egyptian. As a young man he was averse to marriage; but when some of his relatives encouraged him not to condemn marriage, but to take a wife, he complied and entered into a marriage. Giving the virgin much exhortation, he persuaded her to give up the secular life before they had sexual intercourse. Having made this renunciation, they both retired to Mount Nitria[1] and for a short time lived the ascetic life together on their own. Antony saw the soul of this Amoun being taken up to heaven.[2] He never saw himself naked, saying that it was improper for a monk to see even his own body naked. There was also another monk, Didymus, who lived for 90 years, and did not spend time with any other human being until his death.
Greek Original:
*)amou=s: *ai)gu/ptios: ou(=tos ne/os w)\n parh|tei=to to\n ga/mon. w(s de/ tines tw=n proshko/ntwn parh/|noun mh\ kaqubri/zein to\n ga/mon, a)lla\ gunai=ka a)/gesqai, pei/qetai kai\ e)/rxetai e)pi\ ga/mon. kai\ polla\ paraine/sas th\n parqe/non pei/qei au)th\n pro\ tou= sunelqei=n a)pota/casqai tw=| bi/w| tw=| kosmikw=|. kai\ a)potaca/menoi a)/mfw e)pi\ to\ o)/ros th=s *nitri/as xwrou=si kai\ braxu\n xro/non sunaskou=ntes i)di/a| th\n a)/skhsin e)poih/santo. tou/tou tou= *)amou=n th\n yuxh\n a)nalambanome/nhn o( *)antw/nios e)qea/sato. ou(=to/s pote e(auto\n gumno\n ou)k e)qea/sato le/gwn, a)prepe\s ei)=nai tw=| monaxw=| kai\ to\ e(autou= sw=ma gumno\n qea/sasqai. e)ge/neto de\ kai\ *di/dumos a)/llos monaxo/s, o(\s e)nnenh/konta e)/th biou\s ou)deni\ a)nqrw/pwn sune/meinen a)/xri th=s teleuth=s.
From Socrates, Ecclesiastical History 4.23 (web address 1), though the name there is Ammoun. (In the Suda mss it varies between Amioun and Amous, the latter printed by Adler.)
See also chi 591.
[1] nu 434. In the Egyptian desert; became an important center of anchorite monasticism.
[2] Athanasius, Life of Antony 60: web address 2.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; religion; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 16 November 1999@14:23:59.
Vetted by:
Ross Scaife ✝ (added note, URL; upped status) on 30 June 2000@07:44:37.
Catharine Roth (Cosmetics.) on 25 September 2000@17:32:38.
David Whitehead (added x-refs and keywords; cosmetics) on 23 July 2003@09:55:21.
Catharine Roth (added keyword) on 5 October 2005@17:43:45.
Catharine Roth (coding, keyword, links) on 4 April 2008@15:08:06.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note) on 16 February 2012@04:06:28.


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