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Headword: *)ami/lkas
Adler number: alpha,1596
Translated headword: Hamilcar, Amilkas
Vetting Status: high
"[Hamilcar], also called Phabias,[1] general of the Carthaginians, who was in the prime of life and had great vigour and, what is of most use in warfare, was an exceptionally good and fearless horseman."[2]
"This Hamilcar, they say, had a son, Hannibal, who in later times distressed Italy with a long war and became particularly fearsome to the Romans."[3]
Greek Original:
*)ami/lkas, o( kai\ *fabe/as, *karxhdoni/wn strathgo/s, o(\s u(ph=rxe kata\ me\n th\n h(liki/an a)kma/zwn kai\ kata\ th\n e(/cin e)rrwme/nos, to\ de\ me/giston e)fo/dion pro\s polemikh\n xrei/an, i(ppeu\s a)/gan a)gaqo\s kai\ tolmhro/s. o(/ti tou/tou tou= *)ami/lkou pai=da gegenh=sqai fasi\n *)anni/ban, to\n xro/nois u(/steron makrw=| pole/mw| th\n *)itali/an kakw/santa *(rwmai/ois te fobero\n e)s ta\ ma/lista geno/menon.
OCD(4) pp.644-5, s.v. 'Hamilcar(2) Barca' and 'Hannibal'.
[1] Some mss have Bapheas, and phi 1 gives it as Phabeas; in fact the authentic version of the name is Phameas (as at alpha 2235).
[2] Polybius 36.8.1, preserved only here.
[3] This quotation was not identified by Adler and is not securely identifiable even with scholarly aids unavailable to her, notably the TLG; nevertheless Favuzzi 200-201 makes a reasonable case for an attribution to John of Antioch. See also (for Favuzzi on Hannibal) under alpha 4515, omicron 237, and phi 556.
Andrea Favuzzi, 'Frammenti (e personaggi) in cerca d'autore', in Marcella Chelotti and Marina Silvestrini (eds.), Epigrafia e territorio, Politica e societa 9 (Bari 2013) 195-215
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 4 August 2000@20:48:17.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword and translation; augmented notes; added bibliography) on 1 March 2001@09:41:18.
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 17 July 2002@11:06:24.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords) on 25 February 2011@05:47:20.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 15 February 2012@05:23:19.
David Whitehead (another note) on 3 June 2013@07:13:22.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 July 2014@05:17:56.
David Whitehead (expanded n.2) on 4 March 2015@12:24:10.


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