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Search results for alpha,156 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,156
Translated headword: Agapetos, Agapetus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Bishop of Synada.[1]
Eusebius [the spiritual son] of
Pamphilus[2] gives him great praise and mentions his amazing miracles: his shifting of boundaries and rivers and raisings of the dead. He also relates that when he was a soldier Maximinus[3] wanted to kill him for being a Christian, since he had learned that many were extremely impressed by the things he had accomplished.
Greek Original:*)agaphto/s: e)pi/skopos *suna/dwn, o(\n e)n e)pai/nw| pollw=| ti/qetai *eu)se/bios o( *pamfi/lou kai\ qauma/twn au)tou= e)caisi/wn mnh/mhn poiei=tai, o(rw=n metasta/seis kai\ potamw=n kai\ nekrw=n e)ge/rseis. kai\ o(/ti stratiw/thn o)/nta h)boulh/qh *macimi=nos w(s *xristiano\n a)poktei=nai, dia\ to\ punqa/nesqai pollou\s ta\ pro\s au)tou= telou/mena u(peragame/nous.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; geography; military affairs; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 2 April 2000@22:31:44.
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