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Search results for alpha,152 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,152
Translated headword: affection
Vetting Status: high
Translation: They call friendliness "affection" and "lovingness". In
Synaristosai [
Ladies Who Lunch]
Menander [writes]:[1] "and the affection, such as it was, for each other that arose from difficulty."[2]
Greek Original:*)agaphsmo/s: a)gaphsmo\n le/gousi kai\ a)ga/phsin th\n filofro/nhsin. *sunaristw/sais *me/nandros: kai\ to\n e)pi\ kakw=| gino/menon a)llh/lwn a)gaphsmo\n oi(=os h)=n.
Same entry in
Photius (
Lexicon alpha123 Theodoridis) and elsewhere.
Menander fr. 453 Kock, 387 K.-Th., 338 K.-A.
[2] Or "to an evil end"?
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 1 April 2000@09:15:11.
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