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Search results for alpha,1510 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1510
Translated headword: [Kasiotic] knots
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those who are crooked in their ways. [So called] from the Pelousians in Kasion, who by natural skill used to weave knots in order to attach one beam to another.[1]
[A knot] equivalent to a Kasiote [?].[2]
Knots, [meaning] ties.[3]
In the Epigrams "Zeus cut through the bindings of her untouched golden maidenhood, after slipping into Danae's bronze-wrought chambers."[4] And elsewhere: "with the binding of her dainty woven head-dress."[5]
And the Pisidian [writes] about Chosroes: "when, then, he was in bindings, they tied him with a more secure bond."[6]
Greek Original:*(/ammata: e)pi\ tw=n skoliw=n tou\s tro/pous. a)po\ tw=n e)n *kasi/w| *phlousiwtw=n, oi( fusikh=| te/xnh| a(/mmata e)/plekon dokou\s e)pi\ dokoi=s suna/ptontes. *kasiw/th| i)/son. *(/ammata, desma/. e)n *)epigra/mmasi: xru/seos a)yau/stoio die/tmagen a(/mma korei/as *zeu/s, diadu\s *dana/as xalkela/tous qala/mous. kai\ au)=qis: a(brw=n te streptw=n a(/mmati kekrufa/lwn. kai\ *pisi/dhs peri\ *xosro/ou: e)pei\ de\ loipo\n e)nto\s h)=n tw=n a(mma/twn, desmou=sin au)to\n a)sfaleste/ra| de/sei.
[1] See already
alpha 1459, and again
kappa 454 (for this and what follows) and
pi 1516. "Knots" alone as a headword doesn't constitute a proverbial phrase; "Kasiotic" must have dropped out in the Suda compiler's source. The same applies to
alpha 1459.
[2] This doesn't make sense. In [
On the proverbs of the Alexandrians, there is an entry (fr.48) for
*kasiwtiko\n a)/mma "Kasiotic knot" with similar information on using knots to lash beams together. So
*kasiw/th| i)/son could be a corruption of
*kasiwtiko\n, here and again at
kappa 454. However, the singular "Kasiotic knot" seems out of place here -- more appropriate to
alpha 1459.
[3] Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at
Photius alpha1208 Theodoridis.
Greek Anthology 5.217.1-2 (Paul the Silentiary); cf.
kappa 454 and
kappa 2075. Find further extracts from this epigram, on Zeus's seduction of Danae, at
delta 57,
epsilon 919, and
rho 317.
Greek Anthology 6.219.4 (attributed to Antipater of Sidon), having taken shelter in a lion's den, a
Gallus drives the animal away by beating the tambour; cf. Gow and Page (vol. I, 33); (vol. II, 84-86); and further extracts from this protracted epigram at
alpha 1828,
alpha 4172,
epsilon 747,
zeta 19,
kappa 2544,
lambda 869,
sigma 299, and
sigma 1723. The Galli (cf.
gamma 41,
gamma 42) were eunuch priests of Kybele (
kappa 2586). Gow and Page note (vol. I, 33) that here the Suda follows the
Anthologia Palatina and the
Anthologia Planudea in reading the genitive plural,
a(brw=n. However, along with Paton (412-413), they adopt a suggestion of R.F.P. Brunck (Alsatian scholar, 1729-1803) and transmit the dative singular
a(brw=|. Paton's rendering (413) thus becomes: "with well-plaited tresses and a dainty hair-caul".
[6] George of
Heraclias 3 fr. 51. For Chosroes (the Sasanian king Khosrow II (590-628 CE)), see generally
chi 418.
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, vol. I, (Cambridge 1965)
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, vol. II, (Cambridge 1965)
W.R. Paton, trans., The Greek Anthology: Books I-VI, (Cambridge, MA 1993)
Keywords: biography; clothing; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; military affairs; meter and music; mythology; poetry; proverbs; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 24 April 2001@21:44:46.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (added notes and keyword; cosmetics) on 3 July 2002@10:11:46.
David Whitehead (tweaked headword and tr) on 28 March 2006@05:24:18.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 12 February 2012@08:13:39.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 11 March 2012@00:53:57.
David Whitehead (another note) on 20 August 2013@08:56:30.
Catharine Roth (tweak) on 26 November 2014@23:27:07.
Catharine Roth (tweaked notes) on 2 January 2020@12:01:20.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.4, added bibliography, added cross-references, added keywords) on 26 July 2021@15:22:38.
Ronald Allen (further expanded n.4, added keyword) on 27 July 2021@12:45:49.
Ronald Allen (missing bibliography item) on 12 August 2021@12:31:25.
Ronald Allen (augmented n.3, added cross-references) on 19 July 2023@11:03:25.
Catharine Roth (new note 2) on 21 July 2023@00:41:01.
William Hutton (tweaked translation, augmented note 6) on 21 July 2023@04:27:43.
Catharine Roth (expanded notes 1 and 2, with input from David Whitehead) on 23 July 2023@00:51:53.
No. of records found: 1
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