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Search results for alpha,1489 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1489
Translated headword: wagon-road
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] public highway.[1]
Malchus [writes][2]: "the entrance into
Cilicia was a wagon-road, terribly steep and impossible for an army to enter, if anyone prevented."[3]
Greek Original:*(amacito/n: o(do\n dhmosi/an. *ma/lxos: h( de\ ei)sbolh\ th=s *kiliki/as a(macito\s h)=n o(do/s, o)rqi/a i)sxurw=s kai\ a)mh/xanos ei)selqei=n strateu/mati, ei)/ tis e)kw/luen.
The headword, which has the same glossing in other lexica, is accusative case. It is quoted (as Latte notes on
Hesychius s.v.) from
Iliad 22.146; cf. the
scholia there.
[1] Literally, one on which it is possible to travel in a wagon or cart,
a(/maxa (
alpha 1486).
[2] A sophist and historian of the fourth century CE: see
mu 120. The quotation is not from him, however, but from a much earlier writer (see next note), and indeed the word
a(macito/s is common enough in all periods.
Anabasis 1.2.21 (see web address 1).
C. de Boor, "Suidas und die Konstantinsche Exzerptsammlung I." Byzantinische Zeitschrift 21 (1912) 418
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; historiography; military affairs; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 9 June 2000@08:51:30.
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