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Headword: *)alloi/wsis
Adler number: alpha,1418
Translated headword: alteration
Vetting Status: high
Alteration is a change from [sc. something] endowed with form into [sc. something else] endowed with form, the same substratum remaining. But the [term] affection [pa/qos] is found in two senses: that which leads into deterioration is called in the strict sense both affection and alteration, and that which leads into completeness is called in the strict sense neither affection nor alteration, but rather generation.
Greek Original:
*)alloi/wsis: a)lloi/wsi/s e)sti metabolh\ e)c ei)dopepoihme/nou ei)s ei)dopepoihme/non, tou= au)tou= u(pokeime/nou me/nontos. dittou= de\ tou= pa/qous legome/nou, to\ me\n ei)s fqora\n a)/gon kuri/ws le/getai pa/qos te kai\ a)lloi/wsis, to\ de\ ei)s teleio/thta, ou) kuri/ws le/getai pa/qos ou)de\ a)lloi/wsis, a)lla\ ge/nesis ma=llon.
John Philoponus, Commentary on Aristotle's de anima 300.15-17, 301.9-11 Hayduck; cf. pi 765.
Keywords: definition; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 6 January 2000@10:05:44.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (Slight alteration of wording, note added.) on 7 June 2000@01:45:50.
David Whitehead (augmented note) on 3 July 2002@04:19:21.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr; cosmetics) on 10 February 2012@08:50:43.
David Whitehead on 13 June 2015@09:11:39.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 27 November 2023@19:00:38.


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