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Search results for alpha,139 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)/agamai
Adler number: alpha,139
Translated headword: I admire, I marvel at, I am amazed at
Vetting Status: high
[Used] with a possessive genitive: "I admire my friend on account of his manners and his good character";[1] and with an accusative: "I think that one of the gods was amazed at the war".[2] Whenever it is followed by se[3] it takes an accusative, and when "for the sake of" can be understood it is construed with a genitive.
Greek Original:
*)/agamai: kata\ peripoi/hsin genikh=|: to\n fi/lon a)/gamai tw=n tro/pwn kai\ tou= xrhstou= h)/qous e(/khti: ai)tiatikh=| de/: oi)=mai de\ to\n po/lemon qew=n tina a)gasqh=nai. o(/tan e)/xh| th\n se ai)tiatikh=|, kai\ o(/tan e)cakou/htai to\ e(/neka genikh=| sunta/ssetai.
cf. alpha 138, alpha 141, alpha 178. LSJ entry at web address 1.
[1] Quotation unidentifiable.
[2] An approximation of Isocrates 4.84 (web address 2).
[3] "You", in the accusative singular.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keyword: dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: William Hutton on 28 March 2000@00:33:15.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (Added cross-reference and link.) on 25 January 2001@13:22:42.
Catharine Roth (Added reference and link.) on 25 January 2001@13:32:09.
David Whitehead (added notes; cosmetics) on 26 January 2001@03:11:10.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 23 December 2011@05:11:16.


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