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Adler number: alpha,138
Translated headword: I admire at heart
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An Atticism, meaning I marvel [at].[1]
Aelian [writes]: "since, also, the [behaviour? remark?] of Menelaus to Paris the son of Priam I neither praise nor admire."[2]
"Personally I admire these men as well, and the Acarnanian most of all above these men. For he was eager to share with his men the things that he recognized they were going to suffer."[3]
Greek Original:*)/agamai kardi/as: *)attikw=s, a)nti\ tou= qauma/zw. *ai)liano/s: e)pei\ kai\ th\n tou= *mene/lew pro\s to\n tou= *pria/mou *pa/rin ou)/te e)painw= ou)/te a)/gamai. e)gw\ de\ a)/gamai kai\ tou/sde tou\s a)/ndras: to\n de\ *)akarna=na me/giston kai\ pro\ tou/twn. a(\ ga\r peisome/nous e)gi/nwske, tou/twn e)pequ/mhse toi=s a)ndra/si koinwnh=sai.
[1] The headword phrase occurs at
Acharnians 489 (web address 1). For the comment, cf.
Platonic Lexicon s.v.
Aelian fr.125b Domingo-Forasté (122 Hercher). The allusion is presumably to something in
Iliad 3 (where Menelaus and Paris fight a duel).
Life of Apollonius of Tyana 4.23; again (in part) at
alpha 805.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; mythology
Translated by: William Hutton on 28 March 2000@00:16:18.
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