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Search results for alpha,1356 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1356
Translated headword: so did you not drink in your letter once you had been allotted it?
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristophanes [sc. writes this]. ["Drink"] meaning served as a juror. For the Athenians were allotted [to juries] by letter from the 10 tribes. For example, the first [tribe] had
alpha as its symbol, the second
beta, as far as
kappa. For with there being 10 tribes, there were 10 jurors [sc. per cycle]. So the man drawing the
alpha was the first to be a juror, and the others likewise. So perhaps you, he is saying, had [a letter] allotted but you did not act as a juror; instead, you drank.
Greek Original:*)all' ou) laxou=s' e)/pines e)n tw=| gra/mmati: *)aristofa/nhs. a)nti\ tou= e)di/kazes. oi( ga\r *)aqhnai=oi kata\ gra/mma e)klhrou=nto a)po\ tw=n i# fulw=n. oi(=on h( prw/th to\ a# ei)=xe shmei=on, h( deute/ra to\ b#, me/xri tou= k#. i# ga\r fulw=n ou)sw=n i# e)gi/nonto dikastai/. o( ou)=n laxw\n to\ a# prw=tos e)di/kaze kai\ oi( a)/lloi o(moi/ws. ta/xa ou)=n su/, fhsi/, laxou=sa ou)k e)di/kazes, a)ll' e)/pines.
Wealth [
Plutus] 972, with scholion. (The participle
laxou=sa is feminine because Chremes is talking to, and about, a woman.)
M.H. Hansen, Athenian Democracy (Oxford 1991) 197-199, esp. 198, drawing on ?Aristot. Ath.Pol. 63-64.
Keywords: comedy; constitution; definition; food; imagery; law; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 31 May 2000@11:59:25.
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