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Headword: *)all' ou)k e)/nesti sukofa/ntou dh/gmatos
Adler number: alpha,1355
Translated headword: but it does not have [a charm] against an informer's bite
Vetting Status: high
[sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to ineffectual things. It leaves out the [word] "charm". The attendant says in character that there is no spell on the ring that serves as an antidote for the bite of the informer; since those who sell amulets are accustomed to say that it can be used against such-and-such. Alternatively: he [Dikaios] shows him [the informer] a ring that protects from poisons and wards off witchcraft, the sort that they call a "poison ring". So he [the servant Karion] says: although you might have a poison ring, it will not do against an informer's bite, since they are worse than even beasts, against which the ring was made.
Greek Original:
*)all' ou)k e)/nesti sukofa/ntou dh/gmatos: e)pi\ tw=n a)nhnu/twn. lei/pei de\ to\ fa/rmakon. le/gei de\ e)n h)/qei o( qera/pwn, o(/ti ou)k e)/sti tis e)n tw=| daktuli/w| e)pw|dh/, o(\ fa/rmakon pro\s dh=gma sukofa/ntou: e)pei\ ei)w/qasi le/gein oi( ta\ peri/apta pwlou=ntes, o(/ti xrhsimeu/ei to/de pro\s to/de. a)/llws: a)lechth/rion tw=n dhlhthri/wn dei/knusin au)tw=| kai\ baskani/as a)potreptiko\n daktu/lion, o(\n kalou=si farmaki/thn. fhsi\n ou)=n: w(s a)\n e)/xh|s farmaki/thn daktu/lion, a)ll' ou) pro\s dh=gma tou= sukofa/ntou, w(s tou/twn xeiro/nwn o)/ntwn kai\ qhri/wn, pro\s a(\ o( daktu/lios pepoi/htai.
This is a curious -- and possibly corrupt -- phrase found in Aristophanes, Plutus [Wealth] 885 (web address 1 below). The explanations offered here are taken from scholia there. Again (with slight variations) at omicron 885.
In Appendix Proverbiorum 1.21 and other paroemiographic collections.
For informers/blackmailers in classical Athens, see sigma 1330.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: clothing; comedy; daily life; history; imagery; law; proverbs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 1 June 2000@06:24:04.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (Altered wording, added note, link, and keywords.) on 6 June 2000@01:10:07.
David Whitehead (augmented note; cosmetics) on 29 June 2002@08:31:48.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; augmented note and keywords) on 15 October 2006@11:31:31.
Catharine Roth (modified keywords, tweaked translation, upgraded link) on 1 August 2010@18:47:55.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 9 February 2012@06:50:37.
David Whitehead on 12 June 2015@09:13:04.


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