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Search results for alpha,1333 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1333
Translated headword: fickle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning one who is] easily changed.[1]
One who is inclined first towards one thing, then to another.
"Not only was King Prusias craven, but he was also fickle as regards hardships."[2]
Greek Original:*)allopro/sallos: eu)meta/blhtos. o( pote\ me\n e(te/rw|, pote\ de\ a)/llw| proskei/menos. ou) ga\r mo/non deilo\s h)=n o( *prousi/as basileu\s, a)lla\ kai\ pro\s ta\s kakopaqei/as a)llopro/sallos.
[1] Same glossing in
Photius and elsewhere.
[2] An abridgement of
Polybius 36.15.1-2 (on King Pr(o)usias II of
Bithynia, a region in northern Asia Minor, Barrington Atlas map 52 grid E4). Editors of
Polybius, however, print the more commonplace adjective
a)llo/trios. For this version, within a lengthier quotation, see
pi 2913.
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 28 May 2000@04:45:43.
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