A little island in the Aegean sea.
*(alo/nnhsos: nhsu/drion e)n tw=| *ai)gai/w| pela/gei.
Truncated from Harpokration s.v., which goes on to cite
Aeschines 3.83 and three historical writers: Archelaus (FGrH 424 F4),
Theopompus (FGrH 115 F50) and
Anaximenes (FGrH 72 F7).
Halonnesos assumed some importance in c.342 BCE, in a dispute between
Athens and Philip II of Macedon: see esp. [
Demosthenes] 7. Cf.
kappa 356.
Halonnesos (Barrington Atlas map 57 grid D2, 40 km. south of
Lemnos) nowadays known as Ag. Eustratios (or Strati); and, oddly, 'Alonnissos' (a National Marine Park for the protection of the Mediterranean monk seal) is another island altogether, the one some distance to the SW that the ancients knew as
Ikos (Icus, Barrington Atlas map 57 grid B2).
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