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Search results for alpha,1317 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1317
Translated headword: another other
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Something that] they say pleonastically.
Menander in
Drunkenness [writes]: "then he had neither fire nor stone nor another other".[1] Krates in
Games [wries]: "there is another other holy word in all the tragedies".[2]
Greek Original:*)/allo e(/teron: e)k parallh/lou le/gousin. *me/nandros *me/qh|: ei)=t' ou)k ei)=xen ou) pu=r ou) li/qon ou)k a)/ll' o(/ti ou)/q' e(/teron. *kra/ths *paidiai=s: toi=s de\ tragw|doi=s e(/teros semno\s pa=si lo/gos a)/llos d' e)/stin.
Same entry in
Photius and elsewhere.
Menander fr. 322 Kock, 267 K.-Th., 227 K.-A..
Crates fr. 24 Kock (28 K.-A.).
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 28 May 2000@18:48:30.
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