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Search results for alpha,1305 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1305
Translated headword: threshing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Also [sc. attested is]
a)loa/santa ["him having threshed"];[1]
Pherecrates said
a)loa/santa with an alpha; "at once to alienate with draught horses the man who had threshed."[2] But to cut with blows [is]
a)loh=sai with an eta.[3]
Greek Original:*)aloa/wn. kai\ *)aloa/santa: a)loa/santa ei)=pen e)n tw=| a *ferekra/ths: i(/ppoi u(pozu/gioi a)loa/sant' eu)qu\s e)kpoih=sai. to\ de\ sugko/yai plhgai=s, a)loh=sai e)n tw=| h.
The unglossed headword (again under
alpha 1321, but as
a(loa/wn; otherwise unattested) is the present active participle, masculine nominative singular, of the verb
[1] Aorist active participle, masculine accusative singular. What now follows is also in
Photius and other lexica.
Pherecrates fr. 65 Kock, now 71 K.-A. -- here garbled: the horses should be in the dative.
[3] This aorist infinitive is from the same verb; the different spelling is an issue of dialect.
Keywords: agriculture; comedy; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 31 May 2000@12:49:37.
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