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Search results for alpha,1280 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1280
Translated headword: Alcibiades, Alkibiades
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The son of Kleinias and of Perikles' sister.[1] An Athenian, a philosopher[2] and a politician. A pupil first of Sophilos, then of Sokrates, whose lover he was too, as some say. Some also record that he was born of slaves.[3]
This man served as a general of the Athenians;[4] and pained because of being expelled from his generalship on account of the mutilation of the herms[5] he went over to the Persian Tis(s)aphernes[6] and became responsible for a war against the Athenians -- [but] he came to be on good terms with them again. When Lysander,[7] with whom he was spending time, was about to capture him, while he was in the country of
Phrygia with a mistress he saw a dream of this sort: he seemed, wearing the clothes of his mistress, to burn separately from his head.[8] The spearmen standing nearby set the tent on fire, and Alkibiades went out and, having been hunted down, was attacked and wounded. They cut off his head and brought it to Pharnabazos.[9]
This man, having been victorious at the Olympic games, gave a banquet for the entire festival.[10]
Greek Original:*)alkibia/dhs: ui(o\s *kleini/ou kai\ th=s a)delfh=s *perikle/ous, *)aqhnai=os, filo/sofos kai\ r(h/twr. maqhth\s prw=ton *sofi/lou, ei)=ta *swkra/tous, ou(= kai\ e)rw/menos, w(/s tines. kai\ e)k dou/lwn de\ texqe/nta tines i(storh/kasin. ou(=tos e)strath/ghsen *)aqhnai/wn, kai\ luphqei\s dia\ to\ e)kpesei=n au)to\n th=s strathgi/as th=s tw=n *(ermw=n a)pokoph=s e(/neka kai\ a)posta\s pro\s *tisafe/rnhn to\n *pe/rshn kai\ pole/mou ai)/tios geno/menos *)aqhnai/ois pa/lin au)toi=s eu)/nous e)ge/neto. me/llontos de\ *lusa/ndrou au)to\n a)nairei=n, par' w(=| die/triben, ei)s kw/mhn th=s *frugi/as e(tai/ra| sunw\n o)/nar h)=n teqeame/nos toio/nde: e)do/kei th\n e)sqh=ta th=s e(tai/ras e)/xwn kai/esqai di/xa th=s kefalh=s. oi( dorufo/roi de\ e)pista/ntes u(fh=yan th\n skhnh/n, o( de\ e)celqw\n bi/a| titrw/sketai diwxqei/s. oi( de\ th\n kefalh\n a)felo/ntes au)tou= *farnaba/zw| komi/zousin. ou(=tos *)olu/mpia nikh/sas th\n panh/gurin a(/pasan ei(sti/asen.
451/0-404/3. See generally P.J.
Rhodes in OCD(4) s.v. (pp.52-3). The present entry is attributed by Adler to the biographies of notable individuals by
Hesychius of Miletus (C6 CE); and specifically, the section beginning 'This man served as general ...' is regarded as perhaps coming from the same source as
alpha 453, etc.
[1] Deinomache. For Perikles see generally
pi 1179 etc. (For Kleinias see
kappa 1751.)
[2] An odd characterisation, despite his association with Sokrates (
sigma 829), about to be mentioned.
[3] Factually nonsense, of course. Political abuse, if correctly located here; but Adler (addenda) notes Bernhardy's suggestion that it belongs with
alpha 1289 (q.v.).
[4] For his career in office see Develin (1989), Index I no. 84.
[5] cf. generally
epsilon 3047.
[6] A Persian satrap (provincial governor): see
tau 661.
lambda 852.
[8] For Alkibiades' end cf.
Alcibiades 38-39. The Suda's version of this dream is an abbreviated version of what we are told in Plut. Alc. 39:
e)do/kei perikei=sqai me\n au)to\s th\n e)sqh=ta th=s e(tai/ras, e)kei/nhn de\ th\n kefalh\n e)n tai=s a)gka/lais e)/xousan au)tou= kosmei=n to\ pro/swpon w(/sper gunaiko\s u(pogra/fousan kai\ yimuqiou=san. e(/teroi de/ fasin i)dei=n th\n kefalh\n a)pote/mnontas au)tou= tou\s peri\ to\n *magai=on e)n toi=s u(/pnois kai\ to\ sw=ma kaio/menon. "It seemed that he was wearing the clothes of his mistress, but she held his head in her arms and adorned his face like a woman's, outlining [his eyes] and making up [his face] with white lead. Others say that in his sleep he saw Magaeus' followers cutting off his head and his body burning."
[9] Another Persian satrap.
[10] In the four-horse chariot-race of the 416 games, as
Thucydides and others describe.
J.K. Davies, Athenian Propertied Families 600-300 BC (Oxford 1971) s.v.
Robert Develin, Athenian Officials 684-321 BC (Cambridge 1989) s.v.
Keywords: athletics; biography; dreams; food; gender and sexuality; geography; history; military affairs; philosophy; politics; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 12 August 1999@19:50:51.
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