Suda On Line
Search results for alpha,1274 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1274
Translated headword: Alkaios, Alcaeus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A Mytilenian, then an Athenian; a comic poet of the Old Comedy - the fifth;[1] son of Mikkos. He wrote ten plays.
Greek Original:*)alkai=os: *mitulhnai=os, ei)=ta *)aqhnai=os, kwmiko\s th=s a)rxai/as kwmw|di/as pe/mptos: ui(o\s de\ *mi/kkou. e)/graye dra/mata de/ka.
Kassel-Austin, PCG vol.II pp.3-15.
This Suda entry is a horrid conflation of the C7/6 lyric poet
Alcaeus of
Mytilene and a C5/4 comic dramatist who seems to have "specialized in mythological burlesques" (OCD(4) p.50 s.v.
Alcaeus(2); the Mytilenian is
Alcaeus(1) there).
[1] The import of this number is not clear. Adler (addenda) notes that Meineke rejected it. Kaibel (in RE) referred it to the number of homonyms.
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; geography; poetry
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 11 May 2000@21:13:30.
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