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Search results for alpha,1273 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)alkai=os
Adler number: alpha,1273
Translated headword: Alkaios, Alcaeus
Vetting Status: high
An Athenian, a tragic poet, whom some people want [to say] was [the?] first tragic poet.
Greek Original:
*)alkai=os: *)aqhnai=os, tragiko/s, o(/n tines qe/lousi prw=ton tragiko\n gegone/nai.
While not a self-evident conflation of two different individuals, as the next entry is (alpha 1274, q.v.), there is an obscurity here, represented by prw=ton tragiko\n gegone/nai. Does prw=ton mean (a) at first or (b) the first? If a, one could consider emending one of the two appearances of "tragic poet" -- and it scarcely matters which -- to "comic poet". But it is probably better to accept b.
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; geography; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 11 May 2000@21:15:10.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword and translation; added note and keyword) on 31 January 2001@08:48:55.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 7 February 2012@05:55:50.
David Whitehead (modified note, at CR's suggestion) on 27 March 2012@03:51:44.


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