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Search results for alpha,1173 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1173
Translated headword: truer things than those at Sagra
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proverb in reference to things that are true, but are not believed. For Sagra [is] a place in Lokris.
Menander in
Anatithemene mentions the proverb.[1] They say that the Epizephyrian Lokrians[2] were at war with the neighboring Krotoniates and asked the Lacedaemonians for an alliance. [The latter] said they had no army, but they would give them the Dioskouroi. The Lokrians, having interpreted the taunt as an omen, turned back their ship and begged the Dioskouroi to sail with them. And after they had won a victory that same day and sent word by messenger to
Sparta, it was at first disbelieved; but once it had been found to be true, it was said of things that are perfectly true, but not believed.
So "truer things than those at Sagra" [is said] in reference to what is absolutely true. For it is said the word about the victory came on the same day from Italy to
Sparta. Hence the story became a proverb in reference to truthful matters.[3]
Greek Original:*)alhqe/stera tw=n e)pi\ *sa/gra|: paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n a)lhqw=n me/n, ou) pisteuome/nwn de/. *sa/gra ga\r to/pos th=s *lokri/dos. me/mnhtai th=s paroimi/as *me/nandros e)n *)anatiqeme/nh|. *lokrou\s de/ fasi tou\s *)epizefuri/ous, po/lemon e)/xontas pro\s tou\s plhsioxw/rous *krotwnia/tas ai)th=sai summaxi/an tou\s *lakedaimoni/ous. tw=n de\ strato\n me\n ou)k e)/xein fhsa/ntwn, dido/nai de\ au)toi=s tou\s *dioskou/rous: tou\s *lokrou\s oi)wnisame/nous to\ kertomhqe\n th/n te nau=n a)postre/yai kai\ dehqh=nai tw=n *dioskou/rwn sumplei=n au)toi=s. nikhsa/ntwn de\ au)tw=n au)qhmero\n kai\ th=s fh/mhs diaggelqei/shs ei)s *spa/rthn to\ me\n prw=ton a)pisthqh=nai, e)pei\ de\ eu(re/qh a)lhqh=, e)pile/gein toi=s a)lhqesta/tois me/n, ou) pisteuome/nois de/. a)lhqe/stera ou)=n tw=n e)pi\ *sa/gra|, e)pi\ tw=n pa/nu a)lhqeuo/ntwn. le/getai ga\r th\n peri\ th=s ni/khs fh/mhn au)qhmero\n a)po\ *)itali/as e)lqei=n ei)s th\n *spa/rthn. o(/qen kai\ ei)s paroimi/an e)cenexqh=nai to\n lo/gon e)pi\ tw=n a)lhqinw=n pragma/twn.
The principal paragraph here is also in
Lexicon alpha936 Theodoridis, with looser parallels elsewhere (including several of the paroemiographers).
Menander fr. 34 Kock, 31 Koerte, now 32 K.-A.
[2] The qualifier makes it clear that we are dealing with Lokroi (sic) in the "toe" of Italy.
[3] cf.
Zenobius 2.17.
Keywords: aetiology; comedy; daily life; geography; history; military affairs; proverbs; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 9 May 2000@17:29:30.
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