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Headword: *)alei/fati
Adler number: alpha,1165
Translated headword: (with) anointment
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning with] oil, or another unguent.[1]
The standard: that the [derivatives] from a)lei/fw, if they are formed with a pi, are also written with a diphthong, such as a)leipto/n ["anointed"] or a)lei/pths ["anointer"]. But if they are formed with a phi, then if they are compound they are written with an iota, [like] pissalifh/s ["pitch-smeared, tarred"], a)nhlifh/s ["unanointed"]. But if [they are] simple, [they are written] with a diphthong, such as a)/leifar ["anointing-oil"].[2]
Greek Original:
*)alei/fati: e)lai/w|, h)\ e(te/rw| a)lei/mmati. kanw/n: o(/ti ta\ para\ to\ a)lei/fw, ei) me\n dia\ tou= p e)kfe/rontai kai\ dia\ difqo/ggou gra/fontai, oi(=on a)leipto\n a)lei/pths. ei) de\ dia\ tou= f, ei) me\n w)=si su/nqeta, dia\ tou= i gra/fontai, pissalifh/s, a)nhlifh/s. ei) de\ a(pla=, dia\ th=s ei difqo/ggou, oi(=on a)/leifar.
The dative headword has the same or similar glossing in other lexica; it is evidently quoted from somewhere. (There are three instances in the early part of Homer, Iliad 24, and Latte on Hesychius s.v. regards the source as the first of them: 24.45.)
[1] cf. generally alpha 1154, alpha 1158.
[2] Likewise or similarly in other lexica and grammars.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 May 2000@16:25:17.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note; cosmetics) on 12 June 2002@08:16:15.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, added betacode) on 16 March 2006@11:16:58.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords) on 5 February 2012@07:22:50.
David Whitehead on 30 May 2015@08:25:42.


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