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Search results for alpha,1140 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1140
Translated headword: warding off, resisting
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning him who is] defending.
"[That] he who has begun evilly means to do evil - just as in cases of private wrongs the law-makers and the judges relate all the harm that has occurred not to the one warding it off but to the one striking the first blow".[1]
Also [sc. attested is the accusative plural]
a)lecome/nous in
Herodotus, meaning [them] resisting or aiding. "A third of the Massagetae slaughtered the survivors of Cyrus' army, although they were resisting".[2]
Also [sc. attested is the aorist middle infinitive]
a)le/casqai, [meaning] to prevent, to hinder.
"The horses were not useful to him in fleeing with them or in preventing his enemies bearing down upon him."[3]
And elsewhere: "Cyrus used to pray that he would live long enough to be victorious and repay those who had done him [both] good and ill".[4]
Greek Original:*)aleco/menon: a)munou=nta. to\n kakw=s a)/rcanta kakw=sai qe/lein, kaqa/per e)pi\ tw=n kat' i)di/an a)dikhma/twn oi( nomoqe/tai kai\ dikastai\ pa/sas ta\s tw=n sumbaino/ntwn bla/bas ou)k e)pi\ to\n a)leco/menon, a)ll' e)pi\ to\n a)/rxonta xeirw=n a)di/kwn a)nafe/rousi. kai\ *)alecome/nous para\ *(hrodo/tw| a)nti\ tou= a)munoume/nous h)\ e)pibohqou=ntas. trithmori\s de\ tw=n *massagetw=n tou\s perileifqe/ntas th=s *ku/rou stratih=s a)lecome/nous e)fo/neue. kai\ *)ale/casqai, kwlu/ein, a)pei/rgein. oi( de\ i(/ppoi ou)k h)=san au)tw=| xrh/simoi e)s to\ feu/gein su\n au)toi=s h)\ e)pelau/nontas a)le/casqai tou\s polemi/ous. kai\ au)=qis: eu)/xeto de\ o( *ku=ros tosou=ton u(perzh=n, e)/s te nikw/|h tou\s eu)= kai\ kakw=s poiou=ntas a)leco/menos.
The headword participle -- masculine accusative singular, as the gloss shows -- is presumably extracted from the first quotation given.
cf. generally
alpha 1130 and the other cross-references there.
[1] Evidently a quotation; Adler suggests
Life of Isidore. Zintzen makes it fr. 372,
incertae sedis.
Herodotus 1.211.2 (web address 1), with comment from a gloss there.
[3] Quotation unidentifiable.
Anabasis 1.9.11 (web address 2).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 8 May 2000@16:29:44.
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