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Headword: *)agaqoergi/a
Adler number: alpha,114
Translated headword: beneficence
Vetting Status: high
Damascius [writes]: "to sum everything up in one statement, what Pythagoras said about man being very similar to the divine is something that he [Isidore] clearly demonstrated in his deeds: his beneficent zeal and the generosity that he extended to everybody, but especially the elevation of souls from the manifold evil that weighs them down, and also the deliverance of bodies from unjust and unholy suffering;[1] and moreover a third thing: he took care of external matters as much as he was able."[2]
Greek Original:
*)agaqoergi/a. *dama/skios: w(s de\ e(ni\ lo/gw| to\ pa=n sullabei=n, o(/per e)/fh o( *puqago/ras o(moio/taton e)/xein tw=| qew=| to\n a)/nqrwpon, tou=to safw=s e)pi\ tw=n e)/rgwn au)to\s e)pedei/knuto, th\n a)gaqoergo\n proqumi/an kai\ th\n e)s pa/ntas e)pekteinome/nhn eu)ergesi/an, ma/lista me\n th\n a)nagwgh\n tw=n yuxw=n a)po\ th=s ka/tw briqou/shs pantoi/as kaki/as: e)/peita kai\ th\n swth/rion tw=n swma/twn e)k th=s a)di/kou h)\ a)nosi/ou talaipwri/as: to\ d' au)= tri/ton, e)pemelei=to tw=n e)/cw pragma/twn, o(/sh du/namis.
[1] "No doubt at the hands of the civil authorities or of the Christians" (Athanassiadi).
[2] Damascius fr.24 Zintzen (237 Asmus, 26B Athanassiadi).
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; philosophy; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 31 March 2001@09:53:52.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added note) on 7 March 2002@12:06:23.
David Whitehead (augmented note) on 17 February 2003@05:46:10.
Catharine Roth (augmented notes) on 15 May 2003@21:17:36.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 12 October 2005@07:58:53.
Catharine Roth (added keyword) on 22 November 2005@11:30:01.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 22 December 2011@04:57:53.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 8 April 2024@00:57:33.


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