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Search results for alpha,1128 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1128
Translated headword: Alexandros Aigaios, Alexandrus Aegaeus, Alexander of Aegae
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Peripatetic philosopher; teacher of the emperor Nero, along with the philosopher
Chaeremon.[1] He had a son called Caelinus.[2] This man used to call Nero 'clay mixed with blood'. In my view, bad pupils have worse teachers; for virtue is teachable, vice comes from practice.[3]
[b] There is also another Alexander, of
Aphrodisias, a philosopher.[4]
[c] And another, son of Numenius, a sophist.[5]
[d] And another, surnamed Claudius, a sophist.[6]
[e] And another, son of Casilon, a sophist,[7] brother of the sophist
Eusebius[8] and a pupil of Julian.[9]
[f] And another Alexander, son of Alexander the legal advocate, a Cilician from Seleucia, a sophist, nicknamed Peloplaton.[10]
Greek Original:*)ale/candros *ai)gai=os: filo/sofos *peripathtiko/s, dida/skalos *ne/rwnos tou= basile/ws, a(/ma *xairh/moni tw=| filoso/fw|. ui(o\n de\ e)/sxe *kai/linon o)/noma. ou(=tos e)ka/lei to\n *ne/rwna phlo\n ai(/mati pefurme/non. kakw=n maqhtw=n, w(s oi)=mai, kaki/ones oi( dida/skaloi: didakth\ ga\r a)reth\ kai\ kaki/a a)skhth/. e)/sti de\ kai\ e(/teros *)ale/candros *)afrodisieu/s, filo/sofos. kai\ a)/llos, o( *noumhni/ou, sofisth/s. kai\ a)/llos, *klau/dios xrhmati/sas, sofisth/s. kai\ e(/teros, o( *kasi/lwnos, sofisth/s, a)delfo\s *eu)sebi/ou tou= sofistou=, maqhth\s de\ *)ioulianou=. kai\ a)/llos *)ale/candros, *)aleca/ndrou, dikhgo/rou, *ki/lic, *seleukeu/s, sofisth/s, o(\s e)peklh/qh *phlopla/twn.
First half of C1 AD. See generally RE Alexandros(92).
[1] RE Chairemon(7); NP Chairemon(2); OCD4
Chaeremon(2); FGrH 618.
[2] Adler (addenda) notes Bernhardy's suggested emendation of this name to Caecilius.
[3] For Nero see generally
nu 254, at the end of which this dictum about him recurs. In the present entry the additional, personal comment ('In my view etc.') is unparalleled in the Suda's biographical entries.
[4] RE Alexandros(94); NP Alexandros(26); OCD4 Alexander(14).
[5] RE Alexandros(96); NP Alexandros(25); OCD4 Alexander(12). For Numenius see
nu 518.
[6] His commentary on
Demosthenes is attested: see Maehler (1974).
[7] PLRE I Alexander(8); not otherwise attested. For the father Casilon (RE Suppl. I, Claudius (100a); PLRE I Casilon) see K. Latte,
Lexica Graeca Minora (Hildesheim 1965) 243-4 ('from Claudius Casilon's
Questions Concerning the Attic Orators').
[8] See [
epsilon 3738]
[9] [
iota 435] Julian.
[10] RE Alexandros(98); NP Alexandros(28);
Lives of the Sophists 2.5.
H. Maehler, 'Menander Rhetor and Alexander Claudius in a papyrus letter' GRBS 15 (1974) 305-11
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; imagery; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 7 July 1999@14:26:03.
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