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Adler number: alpha,1124
Translated headword: Alexander Mamaias, Alexander son of Mamaia
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Ruling with his mother he administered everything under her; it was she who took care of the empire in every respect. So she persuaded him to judge trials for the most part, so that he would be occupied with those things and have no opportunity to get into trouble. He was born with a natural disposition both meek and tame and inclined towards benevolence. So into his fourteenth year of ruling the kingdom he ruled without bloodshed, despite the fact that certain people had fallen foul of major accusations, so that after the death of Marcus[1] the empire was astonished by Alexander. He even censured his mother and was altogether vexed seeing her being materialistic and storing up many [profits] from capricious dealing. But he was forced by her to do many things; for his mother ruled exceedingly over him. She carried on with deeds shameful and unbecoming to rulers, and secretly summoned teachers in every discipline; he then said farewell to both wrestling-schools and gymnasia and scared away the teachers. To such an extent did things drift that everything changed, from the stage and the public theatres to the greatest offices of state. Because of this they hated him.
Greek Original:*)ale/candros o( *mamai/as: su\n th=| mhtri\ a)/rcas u(p' e)kei/nh| pa/nta diw/|kei, h(/tis pantaxo/qen e)frou/rei th\n a)rxh/n. dika/zein te ou)=n au)to\n e)/peiqen e)pi\ plei=ston, w(s a)\n e)n tou/tois a)sxolou/menos mh\ e)/xoi kairo\n e)s to\ e)pithdeu/ein ti tw=n a(marthma/twn. u(ph=rxe de\ au)tw=| kai\ fusiko\n h)=qos pra=on kai\ h(/meron e)/s te to\ fila/nqrwpon pa/nu e)pirrepe/s. e)s tessareskaide/katon ou)=n e)/tos a)/rcas th=s basilei/as, a)naimwti\ h)=rce, kai/toi tinw=n megi/stais ai)ti/ais u(popeso/ntwn, w(s meta\ th\n *ma/rkou teleuth\n th\n basilei/an qauma/zein *)aleca/ndrou. h)|tia=to de\ kai\ th\n mhte/ra kai\ pa/nu h)/sxallen o(rw=n au)th\n ou)=san filoxrh/maton kai\ polla\ e)c e)phreiw=n qhsauri/zousan. polla\ de\ u(p' au)th=s h)nagka/zeto pra/ttein: h)=rxe ga\r au)tou= u(perballo/ntws h( mh/thr. h(/tis a)ph=ge tw=n ai)sxrw=n kai\ a)prepw=n toi=s basileu=sin e)/rgwn, didaska/lous te pa/shs paidei/as la/qra metepe/mpeto: o( de\ palai/strais te kai\ gumnasi/ois e)/xaire kai\ tou\s didaska/lous a)peso/bei. e)s tosou=ton de\ e)cw/keilen, w(s dh\ pa/nta ta\ a)po\ th=s skhnh=s kai\ tw=n dhmosi/wn qea/trwn metagagei=n e)pi\ ta\s a)rxa\s ta\s megi/stas. dia\ tou=to e)musa/ttonto au)to/n.
"Alexander Mamaias" (again in brief at
mu 123) is the emperor M. Aurelius
Severus Alexander; ruled 222-235. The present entry derives from John of
Antioch, frs. 140 and (from "She carried on...") 138 FHG (= now frs. 219 and 218 Roberto). See generally OCD(4) pp.212-13; and
De Imperatoribus Romanis entry (Herbert Benario) at web address 1.
[1] His cousin and predecessor M. Aurelius Antoninus Elagabalus (ruled 218-222).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: athletics; biography; chronology; ethics; historiography; history; law; politics; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 9 May 2000@19:28:05.
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