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Headword: *(/oti *)ale/candros filh/koos h)=n
Adler number: alpha,1122
Translated headword: Alexander, Alexandros
Vetting Status: high
Alexander was as fond of listening to music as anyone. For, even earlier, Timotheos the piper, whom they say once piped the so-called orthios nomos of Athena,[1] so greatly amazed Alexander with his melodies that in the middle of listening he rose up to arms; and he said that that is what the royal pipe-tunes ought to be like. Naturally, this Timotheos, having been sent for, went to him eagerly.
Greek Original:
*(/oti *)ale/candros filh/koos h)=n, ei)/per tis a)/llos, tw=n mousikw=n. *timo/qeos ga\r o( au)lhth\s e)/ti pro/sqen, o(/n pote au)lou=nta le/gousi th=s *)aqhna=s to\n o)/rqion no/mon e)pikalou/menon, e)s toso/nde e)kplh=cai *)ale/candron toi=s me/lesin, w(/ste metacu\ a)kou/santa a)nai/+cai e)pi\ ta\ o(/pla: to\n de\ fa/nai, o(/ti toiau=ta xrh\ ei)=nai ta\ basilika\ au)lh/mata. ou(=to/s te dh\ o( *timo/qeos a)nelhlu/qei pro\s au)to\n spoudh=| meta/pemptos geno/menos.
From tau 620; see also omicron 573. (For Alexander see already alpha 1121, and again alpha 1123.)
[1] A nomos (in this context) was "a specific, nameable melody [...] sung or played in a formal setting in which it was conventionally appropriate: a sacrifice, a funeral, a festival competition, or a professional display... [T]he nomos of Athena...was probably a standard item at the Panathenaic musical contests" (M.L. West, Ancient Greek Music (Oxford 1992) 216). In the same specialized context the adjective orthios signified a particular rhythm: see West 156-7. West also collects evidence (352 n.119) for the orthios nomos as played on the kithara (kappa 1590). That Timotheos played it on the aulos may be the point of emphasis in the present entry.
Keywords: biography; ethics; military affairs; meter and music; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 May 2000@20:58:13.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword, translation, keywords; added note) on 27 January 2001@10:39:07.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr) on 8 April 2010@07:10:34.
David Whitehead (more x-refs; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 3 February 2012@06:54:21.


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