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Search results for alpha,1119 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1119
Translated headword: Alexandreia, Alexandria
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Name of a city.[1] And the citizen [of it is an] "Alexandreus"; also [sc. attested is] "Alexandreios".
Greek Original:*)aleca/ndreia: o)/noma po/lews. kai\ o( poli/ths *)alecandreu/s: kai\ *)aleca/ndreios.
alpha 1120.
[1] No doubt the most famous city of this name (in Egypt) is meant, but there were many others. For some of the better-known ones see OCD(4) pp.60-61.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 4 April 2000@10:39:08.
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