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Search results for alpha,1073 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1073
Translated headword: but now anything might happen
Vetting Status: high
Translation: ["But now anything might happen.] I applaud the old proverb. For one must look under every stone, lest a politician bite." The proverb [is as follows]: "under every stone a scorpion sleeps: watch out!"
Greek Original:*)all' a(/pan ge/noit' a)\n h)/dh: th\n paroimi/an d' e)painw= th\n palaia/n. u(po\ li/qw| ga\r panti/ pou xrh\ mh\ da/kh| r(h/twr a)qrei=n. h( de\ paroimi/a: u(po\ panti\ li/qw| skorpi/os eu(/dei: fula/sseo.
upsilon 554.
Thesmophoriazusae 527-530 (web address 1 below), with scholion.
For variants on this alleged proverb, attributed to the mid-C5 poetess
Praxilla of
Sikyon by the scholiast, see the drinking-song quoted by
Deipnosophists 15.695D = 15.50 #20 Kaibel ("Under every stone, my friend, there lurks a scorpion. Take care that it does not strike you; all kinds of trickery attend the unseen") and
Sophocles fr. 138 Nauck ("For in every stone a scorpion stands guard").
For another satirical theriomorphisation of ancient Athenian politicians -- this time as snakes -- see
Hyperides fr. 80 Jensen (at
pi 585).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; ethics; imagery; politics; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 31 March 2000@00:34:41.
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