Suda On Line
Search results for alpha,1050 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1050
Translated headword: perfume-bottle boxes, scent-bottle boxes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Demosthenes calls boxes of scent-bottles [this].[1] In common parlance they call them
murothekai ["unguent-boxes"].
Alabastoi are flasks of which one cannot take hold because of [their] smoothness.[2]
Aristophanes [writes]: "into the scent-bottle one ladle of peace". As if he was saying one spoonful.[3]
Greek Original:*)alabastoqh/kas: ta\s qh/kas tw=n a)laba/stwn *dhmosqe/nhs le/gei. e)n th=| sunhqei/a| muroqh/kas kalou=sin. a)la/bastoi de/ ei)si lh/kuqoi, w(=n ou)k e)/sti labe/sqai dia\ leio/thta. *)aristofa/nhs: e)s to\n a)la/baston ku/aqon ei)rh/nhs e(/na. w(sei\ e)/lege koxlia/rion e(/n.
The first part of this entry comes from Harpokration s.v., but
Photius and the Suda convert his nominative plural headword into an accusative plural.
Demosthenes 19.237 (web address 1).
[2] See
alpha 1051.
Acharnians 1053 (web address 2), with scholion. The "ladle" (kuathos,
kappa 2574) was a standard Attic measure.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: art history; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; rhetoric; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 July 2000@18:19:41.
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