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Search results for alpha,1040 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)akoi/ths
Adler number: alpha,1040
Translated headword: bedfellow, husband
Vetting Status: high
In the masculine gender [meaning] the husband. But a)/koitis in the feminine [means] the wife.[1] And the [accusative] plural is ta\s a)koi/tis ["the wives"].[2]
Greek Original:
*)akoi/ths: a)rsenikw=s o( a)nh/r. *)/akoitis de\ qhlukw=s, h( gunh/. kai\ to\ plhquntiko\n ta\s a)koi/tis.
Both of these are poetical words, occurring in epic, lyric, and tragedy.
[1] Likewise, according to Adler, in two entries in the Ambrosian Lexicon (857, 996); and cf. Etymologicum Magnum 50.7-9.
[2] (Quoted, in all probability, from its only appearance in Homer: Odyssey 10.7.) With long iota in the ending (from *-ins).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; gender and sexuality; poetry; tragedy; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 April 2000@01:13:48.
Vetted by:
Ross Scaife ✝ (added keyword) on 5 April 2000@07:56:27.
Ross Scaife ✝ on 5 April 2000@07:57:33.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 6 June 2002@08:32:41.
Catharine Roth on 8 June 2002@14:33:29.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, keyword) on 17 August 2007@01:30:35.
David Whitehead (augmented n.2) on 1 February 2012@09:58:47.
David Whitehead (another note; cosmetics) on 23 May 2015@11:21:48.


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