Suda On Line
Search results for alpha,1019 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1019
Translated headword: precarious
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning they who are] stumbling in the [act of] walking. That is the Huns.[1]
In Philoctetes:[1] "...that all things are awful for mortals and uncertain: to fare well or to fare otherwise. It is necessary for one who is outside miseries to expect awful things. And whenever someone is doing well, that is the time he should examine his life most of all, so disaster does not sneak up on him."[2]
Greek Original:*)akrosfalei=s: e)n tw=| badi/zein sfallo/menoi. toute/stin oi( *ou)=nnoi. *filokth/th|: w(s pa/nta deina\ ka)pikindu/nws brotoi=s kei=tai: paqei=n me\n eu)=, paqei=n de\ qa/tera. xrh\ d' e)kto\s o)/nta phma/twn ta\ dei=n' o(ra=n: xw)/tan ti/s eu)= zh=|, thnikau=ta to\n bi/on skopei=n ma/lista, mh\ diafqarei\s la/qh|.
[1] See already
alpha 1018.
Philoctetes 502-506 (web address 1); cf.
theta 61. This quotation does not contain the headword of this entry, but has some vague connection to it in sense.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; ethics; geography; proverbs; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 March 2000@16:18:52.
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