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Search results for alpha,1001 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1001
Translated headword: fruits
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] tree-borne crops,[1] all crops which grow on trees.[2]
"They threw [things] at them, one a Persian cloak, another fruits".[3]
Greek Original:*)akro/drua: karpoi\ dendrikoi\, pa/ntes oi( tw=n de/ndrwn karpoi/. e)pe/rripton de\ au)toi=s [o(] me\n ka/ndun, o( de\ a)kro/drua.
The headword, neuter plural, is perhaps extracted from the quotation given (though Latte on
Hesychius s.v. asserts the source to be the
Song of Solomon 7.14). The noun itself, which can mean fruits in general as here, more exactly implies ones grown high up.
[1] (sc. As opposed to the ground.) Glossing thus far as in
Photius and elsewhere.
[2] As in the
scholia to
Critias 115B.
Babyloniaca fr. 19 (ed. Habrich); more fully at
sigma 673.
Keywords: agriculture; botany; clothing; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; history; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 March 2000@02:55:09.
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