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Search results for zeta,81 in Adler number:
Adler number: zeta,81
Translated headword: Zeno, Zenon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Citium. Whether he was a rhetor or a philosopher [is] unclear.[1] He wrote
On Issues;
On Figures;
Commentary on Xenophon,
on Lysias,
on Demosthenes;
On Epicheiremes.
Greek Original:Zênôn, Kitieus. ei de rhêtôr tis ên ê philosophos, adêlon. egrapse Peri staseôn, Peri schêmatôn, Hupomnêma eis Xenophônta, eis Lusian, eis Dêmosthenên, Peri epicheirêmatôn.
RE Zenon (9-10). He is probably the rhetor mentioned in
Lives of the Sophists 2.24, and his
On Issues the work epitomised by Sulpicius Victor (
Rhetores Latini Minores 313.2-4 Halm).
[1] Confusing the rhetor with the Stoic
Zeno of Citium (
zeta 79; RE Zenon(2); OCD4
Zeno(2)); the rhetor's ethnic may therefore be an error.
M. Heath, 'Zeno the rhetor and the thirteen staseis', Eranos 92 (1994) 17-22
Keywords: biography; geography; historiography; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 16 February 2001@11:35:22.
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