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Search results for theta,379 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,379
Translated headword: thiasos, chorus, troop
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a sacred band/chorus.[1]
Also [sc. attested is] qiasw/ths, [meaning] a chorus-member.[2]
[sc. These terms come] from the [verb] qei=n, which is [to say] qu/ein ["to sacrifice"]. The chorus [is so-called] from coming together; for running [is called] qe/ein; or from being possessed by a god [e)nqousia=n]. Hence qiasw=tai [are] properly the attendants of Dionysus.[3]
"Come dancing into the holy thiasotai". They say this, not sunqiasw=tai ["fellow-thiasotai"].[4]
In the Epigrams: "the turning rhombus which spurs on the Bacchic chorus."[5]
Greek Original:Thiasos: hieros choros. kai Thiasôtês, ho choreutês. apo tou thein, ho esti thuein. ho de choros apo tês suneleuseôs: theein gar to trechein: ê apo tou enthousian. hothen thiasôtai kuriôs hoi peri ton Dionuson. elthe choreusôn hosious es thiasôtas. houtô legousin, ou sunthiasôtas. en Epigrammasi: strepton Bassarikou rhombon thiasoio muôpa.
[1] cf. scholion on
Thesmophoriazusae 41. See also
theta 378,
theta 380.
[2] Similar glossing in
Photius, other lexica, and a scholion on
Frogs 327 (see further below).
[3] cf.
Etymologicum Magnum 449.56.
Frogs 326-7, with scholion.
Greek Anthology 6.165.1 (
Phalaecus); cf.
beta 140,
rho 223,
sigma 1193. On this epigram, a dedication to Dionysus, see Page (46-49) and further excerpts at
alpha 1721,
alpha 4681,
beta 548,
theta 613,
iota 72,
kappa 2115,
kappa 2279, and
lambda 360. The word
r(o/mbos has diverse meanings; cf. LSJ s.v. (web address 1). It could be a
bull-roarer, as interpreted here, a rhomboid piece of wood or metal, which, when twirled on a string, produces a roaring sound; cf. Page (47). Or, alternatively, it is a tambourine or kettle-drum, instruments played at religious rites for Rhea and Dionysus; cf.
beta 140,
rho 223, and
sigma 1193. On the epigram's attribution, see
alpha 1721 note.
D.L. Page, ed., Further Greek Epigrams, (Cambridge 1981)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; meter and music; poetry; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 25 February 2008@00:04:38.
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