Suda On Line
Search results for tau,139 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,139
Translated headword: crates, flat baskets, pallets, wickerwork frames
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In Attic [sc. dialect these are] things plaited out of rushes.[1] At any rate they call the farmers' baskets
talaroi.[2] But
Aristophanes called [it] a fowl-perch, as follows: "then you look down upon the gods from a basket?"[3] [The one] upon which Socrates was hanging suspended. Or a wickerwork frame, raised somewhat above the ground, upon which hens roost. In some way such as this one must suppose a fowl-perch to have been contrived.[4]
Greek Original:Tarroi: Attikôs ta ek schoinôn plegmata. tous goun kalamous tous geôrgikous talarous kalousi. tên de kremathran Aristophanês houtôs ekalesen. epeit' apo tarrou tous theous huperphroneis; eph' hês ho Sôkratês ekremato. ê tarros, meteôron ti ikrion, eph' hou hai alektorides koimôntai. toiautên dê tina hupolêpteon tên kremathran eskeuasthai.
The Attic headword, already at
tau 138, is the nominative plural of the masculine noun
tarro/s; see generally LSJ s.v.
tarso/s. The entry is generated from an instance of the headword's genitive singular form (
tarrou=) in the subsequent quotation: see further below.
[1] This gloss, and indeed the rest of the entry, follows the
scholia to the quotation given. [In her critical apparatus Adler reports that ms F reads
[2] cf.
tau 38,
tau 39.
Clouds 226 (web address 1): Strepsiades sarcastically asks why Socrates is suspended in mid-air.
[4] This is the generally accepted ancient interpretation; see Dover pp. 126-7. [Adler reports that ms G transmits
under which Socrates was hanging suspended; that mss FV read
e)kkremw=ntai (
from which hens hang), whereas written above in ms V is
koimw=ntai, which the Suda transmits; and that ms F reads
th\n toiau/thn.]
K.J. Dover, ed., Aristophanes Clouds, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; religion; stagecraft; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 28 November 2012@00:06:46.
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