[A term formed] out of a part; either the flat of the foot, or the top of the hand.[1]
Also [sc. it denotes any] plaited thing.[2]
Thucydides [writes]: "but the Peloponnesians, wrapping up clay in baskets of reed, began to insert them into the breach of the wall."[3]
Tarsos: ek merous: ê to platos tou podos, ê to akron tês cheiros. kai plegma. Thoukudidês: hoi de Peloponnêsioi en tarsois kalamou pêlon eneillontes eseballon es to diêirêmenon tou teichous.
The headword is a masculine noun in the nominative singular; see generally LSJ s.v. and cf.
tau 129,
tau 133, and
tau 134. The entry appears to be generated from specific usages of this noun for surfaces, broad and flat, evocative of a wicker-work pad or matting: see next note.
[1] The headword is identically glossed in the
Synagoge (tau37),
Lexicon (tau66 Theodoridis), and
Etymologicum Magnum 747.7 (Kallierges), which cites the rhetorical lexica of Aelius
Dionysius and
Pausanias (the grammarian). The accusative singular of the headword occurs at
Iliad 11.377 (web address 1), again 388, where Paris shoots an arrow which pierces Diomedes [
Myth] through the
flat of his foot. The Suda might well be drawing from a scholion (= D
scholia) to this Homeric passage which glosses
tarso/n as
to\ platu\ tou= podo/s,
the flat of the foot. Cunliffe (p. 373) notes that the
upper flat surface of the foot (formed by the metatarsal bones) is meant.
[2] Similarly in
Hesychius s.vv.
tarro/s and
tarsou\s kala/mwn.
Thucydides 2.76.1 (web address 2), describing an episode in the Peloponnesians' siege of
Plataiai (Barrington Atlas map 55 grid E4) in 429 BCE; cf.
epsilon 1282 and
epsiloniota 109. [In her critical apparatus Adler reports that mss AF give the participle as
e)nei/lontes; also that, for the finite verb, mss VM have
e)se/balon (aorist,
inserted) and ms F
e)pe/ballon (
were throwing onto).]
R.J. Cunliffe, A Lexicon of the Homeric Dialect, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963
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